making it fit - the principle of reversibility, 2022
glazed and unglazed ceramics

curated into Shoeglazing, a show by Tim Hollander at Dürst Britt & Mayhew
pictures by Gert Jan van Rooij and Tim Hollander
In making it fit various characters from Caz Egelie’s practice are reduced down to their essence - a shoe as their sculptural identity. To ensure their performer can fit into the role, accessoiries like insoles and ribbons are providing the needed support and ability to easily switch between various roles.
The priciple of reversiblity refers to a foundational principle in conservation in which a conservation treatment has to be able to be undone without damage to the object. In this series of shoes, the same reversibility principle is conceptually used to ensure the performer slips in and out of their role easily, being able to try on different identities.