'Objects, no concepts!', 2019
performances and installation
presented at Palais de Tokyo

performed by Nushka Levysohn, Iriée Zamblé, Caz Egelie, Marianne van Aperen and Jasper Eenhoorn
pictures by Chaïm Dijkstra, Ayka Lux and Guillaume Lebrun

Excerpt from The Jester of performance art, a conversation with Caz Egelie by Sophia Boosalis in The Courtauldian

"Sophia: Do you think the utilisation of space in museums is part of a larger pre-existing problem that pertains to the entire art institution?

Caz: I wouldn't describe it as a ‘problem,’ but rather as a disposition. The curation of galleries continues to uphold the traditional sense of every artwork as an autonomous subject that requires a contemplative, quiet environment. I think it extends from the modernist concept of the white cube: the sacred space of the gallery wall removes the aesthetic and historical context of the artwork. For example, the physical visitor interrupts the experience of an artwork. I think it would be great to incorporate the presence of the spectator and external factors that are often denied or unrecognised as part of the gallery experience."